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Course & Grade Related Policies

Course Repeat Policy

Graduate degrees and certificates at Lasell University require cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and a grade of at least B- in all courses. Students must repeat any program major course where they receive below a B-. In the case of elective courses, students may decide to repeat the course or choose another elective.

Students are permitted, in special circumstances and with the approval of the Graduate Program Coordinator of the related academic department and the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies, to repeat any course. In the event that a required course is repeated successfully the higher of the two grades will be computed into the GPA, and the lower of the two grades will be removed from the average. No additional credits will be counted toward graduation; however, the lower grade will remain on the permanent academic record. In the event that a required course is repeated unsuccessfully, the student is subject to academic suspension (see section on Academic Standing). For additional restrictions, students need to review individual major requirements.  

Incomplete Grades

On rare occasions a grade of Incomplete (INC) may be granted. Ultimately, the decision to grant a grade of Incomplete is at the discretion of the instructor; however, both the student and the instructor must sign the incomplete grade contract for completion before a grade of INC can be issued. An Incomplete should be issued only for extraordinary reasons. It is not appropriate to issue an Incomplete simply because a student has not performed well or has not completed required coursework. A copy of the contract must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar with the final grade roster. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the request and to make all arrangements with the instructor for turning in late work by the last day of the semester/session. Incomplete grades must be made up within four (4) weeks of the end of the current semester/session. Failure to do so will result in the "INC" reverting to "F".  

Under extenuating circumstances (e.g. military leave), extensions beyond four (4) weeks may be granted by the instructor with the approval of the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies. It is the student's responsibility to initiate a written request for an extension by completing the appropriate paperwork available online or through the Registrar's Office.  

Grade Changes

A final grade (excluding an Incomplete) may not be changed after submission of the grade by the instructor to the Registrar's Office unless a clear and demonstrable mistake or miscalculation by the instructor is discovered. The submission of late or revised work by a student is not grounds for a legitimate change of grade, nor is the retaking of an examination. Changes to final grades cannot be made beyond one semester after the initial awarding of the grade.  


Official copies of a student's permanent academic record are issued by the Registrar's Office. Students may request a copy via the registrar's website ( There is a fee for each copy requested and the transcripts are mailed within two to four business days upon receipt of the request. Transcripts cannot be processed for students who have unpaid bills. Unofficial transcripts can be viewed by students on MyLasell Self-Service.


With the approval of the instructor, students may register to audit a course by completing a Course Audit Form by the end of the add/drop period. Audited courses are recorded on the transcript but no grade or credit is given.

Directed Study (Independent Study)

Under limited circumstances, graduate students may enroll in a directed study after consulting with their advisor to ensure its fit with their overall degree program. TheDepartment Chair for the course, in consultation with the Department Chair of the student's program of study, has final approval of any directed study. Students interested in this option should complete and submit the Directed Study form  by the end of the add/drop period for Graduate and Professional Studies programs. 

Transfer Credit Policy

For our Master degree programs, a maximum of six (6) credits of relevant graduate level coursework taken at an accredited institution may be transferred and applied toward degree requirements under the following conditions:

  • A grade of B or better has been earned

  • Coursework prior to enrollment at Lasell was completed within the past seven years at the time of enrollment

Current students who wish to take graduate courses at another institution and transfer the courses into Lasell must request approval from their Advisor before registering for the course(s). This option is not available to students in the MS in Athletic in Training Program. Students who are considering this must complete the Transfer Credit Approval form. Students are required to obtain all necessary approvals before enrolling in the course.  

Grades for courses taken at another institution are not calculated into a student's grade point average.


Candidates seeking admission to Lasell University's Bachelor Degree Completion Program for a Bachelor of Science in Communication can transfer up to 90 credits from other accredited institutions. Students would need to complete at least 30 credits at Lasell University to earn their degree. If you transfer to a course that fulfills a core requirement, you will be able to take a business elective course in its place. 

  • Applicants must have completed at least 15 credits at a U.S. institution, no other prerequisites required 

  • 30 credits of major core courses

  • Transfer up to 90 credits (Credits over 10 years old are considered)

    • Earned grade 'C' or higher on transfer credits

    • Related core course requirements can be waived

    • Minimum of 120 credit hours required for the degree

  • 30 Lasell BSBA core credits required. (These credits are required despite previous coursework)

  • Student eligible for this program must meet at least one of the following criteria: 

  • Completed an Associates degree

  • Has not been enrolled with an institution for an entire calendar year

  • Veteran or Serviceperson

  • Has the approval of the Lasell University undergraduate Dean and Vice President of Graduate and Professional Studies

Admission Requirements Checklist:

  1. Online application

  2. Personal Statement

  3. Official transcripts of all college-level coursework 

  4. Resume

Course Waiver Policy

Applicants to our master's degree programs who complete undergraduate majors or minors or take certain courses in Business, Management, Sport Management, Communications, Health Sciences or Education may apply to waive up to six credits at the graduate level within these disciplines.  Please refer to the 5th Year Option section of this catalog for a list of eligible courses.


Students register on their own or with the Registrar's Office each semester. Students who are already enrolled pre-register in April for the following summer and fall semesters and in October for the following winter and spring semesters. Registration for classes occurs online during set timeframes during the academic year. A student is officially registered for classes only after all financial obligations to the University have been met.  


Students wishing to add/drop a course can do so through Self-Service or by contacting the Registrar's Office. This must be done prior to the end of the add/ drop period, which ends seventy-two (72) hours after the start of the academic semester or start of session except for Winter Session. Winter Session is twenty-four (24) hours after the start of the session. Students should review the academic calendar ( for exact dates.  Students may not enter a class after the add/drop period.  

Course Withdrawal

After the Add/Drop period a student may be allowed to withdraw from one or more courses until the end of the withdrawal period deadline date published on the Academic Calendar. A grade designation of "W" will be recorded for official withdrawals that occur prior to the course withdrawal period deadline date published in the Academic Calendar. After that time, a student not attending a class receives an "F". In consultation with his or her academic advisor, the student should review policies regarding fulltime status, academic standing, financial aid, and international student visa status prior to submitting a course withdrawal. Students should consult the policy on course withdrawal and tuition reimbursement (

Class Attendance Policy

The University expects students to attend classes. The University does not, however, set specific guidelines regarding procedures and penalties for absences. Instead, each faculty member sets their own guidelines as deemed appropriate for each learning experience.  Instructors will distribute their specific course attendance policies as a part of the course syllabus during the first week of classes.  

Students have the responsibility of knowing these attendance policies and communicating with their professor(s) regarding absences.  

Late Class Start

Students and instructors are expected to arrive at their class by the official start time of the class. In the event the instructor is delayed, students are required to wait a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes beyond the official start-time of the class before leaving.  

Class Cancellation

In the event an in-person class meeting must be cancelled, the instructor will notify the Registrar's Office, and staff in the Registrar's Office will post an official class cancellation notice bearing the University seal on the classroom door and will text/email students. If an online class meeting is cancelled, the instructor will notify the students via Lasell email on the canvas course at least 2 hours before the scheduled meeting time.