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Academic Standing

The Graduate and Professional Studies Academic Review Committee monitors all students' academic progress toward satisfactory degree completion at the conclusion of each semester and session. The committee members include the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies, the Director of Graduate Student Services, the Associate Director of Graduate Student Services and Advising and the Assistant Director of Graduate Student Services and Advising. Students are in Good Academic Standing if a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 is earned.  

When a student receives two unsatisfactory grades (below B-), or an F in any course, or falls below a 3.0 cumulative GPA, the Graduate and Professional Studies Academic Review Committee will review the student's academic performance and potential for degree completion. They will make a decision as to whether the student should be placed on probation or be suspended. Students who are not in Good Academic Standing will receive notification from the Director of Graduate Student Services. Students who do not meet the criteria for Good Academic Standing may be placed on academic probation, academic suspension or dismissed from the University.  

Academic Probation

Academic Probation at Lasell University is designed to be educative and constructive; its purpose is to engage students more deliberately in the process of progressing academically.  

Students who have a cumulative GPA of less than 3.0 or receive a failing grade (Grade of F) will be placed on Academic Probation (and in some cases, will be suspended).  Academic Probation will last for the duration of the next academic semester (two sessions). Students may continue to take classes while on academic probation. Students on academic probation will be reviewed by the Academic Review Committee each academic session.  

At the end of an academic session, if the student is found to be in good academic standing they will come off academic probation. If the student is still not in good academic standing but has made positive academic progress they may remain on academic probation at the discretion of the Academic Review Committee. If the student has not made positive academic progress the student will be placed on academic suspension.  

Academic Suspension

The first time a student is placed on academic suspension the duration will be one semester (two consecutive sessions). Students may not continue to take classes at Lasell University while on academic suspension. While on suspension, if the student plans to take classes outside of Lasell University they must communicate with their academic advisor and also follow the transfer credit policy. Upon completion of the suspension period students must complete the application for readmission ( located on the registrar's website. The application for readmission will be reviewed by the Director of Graduate Student Services.  

The second time a student is placed on academic suspension the duration will be for two semesters (four consecutive sessions). Students may not continue to take classes at Lasell University while on academic suspension. While on suspension, if the student plans to take classes outside of Lasell University they must communicate with their academic advisor and also follow the transfer credit policy. Upon completion of the suspension period students must complete the application for readmission located on the registrar's website. The application for readmission will be reviewed by the Director of Graduate Student Services.  

Students in the Master of Athletic Training program may not transfer in credits.


A student may be dismissed from Lasell University for the following reasons; failing to be in good academic standing after two suspensions, committing multiple violations of the academic dishonesty policy, violating the university's policies of general conduct, and at the discretion of the Academic Review Committee.  

Appealing the Graduate and Professional Studies Academic Review Committee Decision

Students may write a letter of appeal to the Dean for Graduate and Professional Studies. Guidelines and deadlines for an appeal are included in the letter of suspension. The decision of the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies will be final.  

Conditions for Returning to the University Following Suspension

Students should refer to the Readmission Policy.  

Grade Appeal

The Academic Grievance Process provides students with a mechanism to appeal faculty actions related to the process of instruction and evaluation of academic performance or other academic matters pertinent to the teacher-student relationship. In filing a grievance, it is understood that the student believes their interests as a student have been adversely affected by someone's departure from or misinterpretation of existing academic policy. (The University reserves the right to establish academic standards and the necessary policies to support them. Consequently, there may be no academic grievance of the contents of published Academic Policies established by the University, including those of individual Academic Programs and individual instructors.) 

Informal Conciliation

A student wishing to alter or reverse any academic action must first attempt to resolve the matter informally and expeditiously. The student shall contact the faculty member within seven (7) calendar days of the action in question to schedule an appointment (in cases where the dispute is over a grade for an assignment or test, or a final course grade, "action in question" shall refer to the date of receipt of the grade). The student is expected to present their concerns and to weigh the faculty member's response. If not resolved, the student may discuss the matter with the faculty member's Graduate Program Coordinator. If the student's complaint is with the Graduate Program Coordinator, then they may discuss the matter with the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies.

Formal Grievance Process

If no resolution is reached, the student may begin the Formal Grievance Process - which must be filed within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the action in question (hence, the informal conciliation process has occurred within this overall time period). If the issue under dispute impacts the student's ability to register for a course or courses in a subsequent semester, a determination of an exception to existing policy will be made by the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies. As part of the Formal Grievance Process, the student will write a letter to the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies with all accompanying documentation, outlining how the student's interests as a student have been adversely affected by someone's departure from or misinterpretation of existing academic policy.